Meet Scholarship Recipient, Lucki

Lucki Price of Pearl Cohn Entertainment Magnet High School was one of the first to submit a scholarship application.  As I waited in the auditorium to present her the scholarship award, she made her way to the stage several times to accept other awards.  As I described some of the points from her essay to the Pearl Cohn Class of 2017 and announced her name, Lucki’s peers cheered to support her.  With a grateful heart and determined mind, Lucki embodies what it means to Be About Change.  She plans to attend Belmont University this fall.

Read about Lucki’s experiences and how she has embraced change.  Here is her scholarship essay about the nonprofit, Girls, Inc.

The Impact of Girls Inc.


By Lucki Price

“There will be pizza,” are the words that stole my attention. A room with food and beverages, a couple of girls, and a strange woman who would ask a million questions that I would give a simple lie to is what I imagined Girls Inc. would be. In the beginning, I was only there simply for a meal that I knew I wouldn’t get otherwise. One could never be certain of tomorrow when living in a small duplex with three adults, three delinquents, and one monthly income. Life seemed like a game that we’d always lose. My mom felt this defeat the most, and every time I looked in her eyes I could feel her constant agony, and hear her desperate cry and it killed me. They say as a child you shouldn’t worry too much about “grown up problems,” yet I could never stop worrying. I always wanted to help even if it meant sacrificing something that I wanted. I would wait a months’ time for forty-five minutes of small talk, free food, and the key ingredients towards a better life. In Girls Inc. I began to notice that most of the girls had part time jobs, and were working when they didn’t have school. This made me realize that I was also able to get a job and contribute to myself and my family, even at a young age of fifteen. So I applied to Kroger, and because of what I learned in Girls Inc. I quickly obtained an interview and in no time, I became a working girl! Joining Girls Inc. and obtaining a job are some of the best choices I’ve made in my life so far. Although it is rough going to school full time and working I wouldn’t regret my decision to work because it pushed me to work even harder. “What doesn’t kill makes you stronger” is a quote that I live by every day. To me this quote is all about persevering even through your darkest days, and with the financial literacy I gained from Girls Inc., I am equipped with the strength to persevere, and thrive through every hardship and challenge that’s is thrown at me.

Over the years I have seen myself mature into a responsible young woman. I have overcome shyness, and low-self-esteem while battling health issues. Who would ever think that “tiny Lucki” would speak in front of roughly 1500 people? Never in a million years did I think I would have such an enlightening opportunity, but I guess dreams do come true, and now public speaking is a reality for me as well as a great skill and asset that I am proud to have. Not only have I overcome shyness, I have also become more focused and aware of my grades and how they have a huge role in life after high school. Prior to Girls. Inc., I was enrolled in all honors classes, but I wasn’t always attentive to how each assignment played a role in my overall grade, GPA, and college. It wasn’t until my Girls Inc. instructor showed me and my classmates the average annual income of people with some high school experience, only a high school diploma, and etc., when I realized that living paycheck to paycheck is not the life I want for myself and for my future family. After that when my junior year began, I came to school every day dedicated and focused to learn.

For each semester I had a goal, and when I reached one goal I’d replace that goal with a new and improved higher standard. I maintained A’s and B’s until I finally reached my goal and became a straight A student. Along with achieving better grades, I also started to join school clubs, sports, and activities. I became an Academies of Nashville Ambassador, a peer mentor, a student leader, I participated in mock trial, I joined the soccer team, I ran for SGA, I am in Girls Inc., and I am enrolled in AP and Honor classes, all while maintaining my part time job where I worked at least twenty-eight hours a week. In addition to that, I also started taking advantage of internships opportunities, and academy based summer camps. I am two-year Warner Music Nashville intern, I was an intern for the academy award winning actress Reese Witherspoon in her new store Draper James, and I attended Grammy Camp. Having said that, my AP and Honor courses, my grades, and my extracurricular activities are the source that eliminated my low-self-esteem. Being a part of all these tremendous things have made me realize my worth and my potential, and I am overjoyed, and honored to be equipped such great strength and power to work hard and be where I want to be. One of things I value most in life is having the ability to make a choice, and being able to be in control of what route I choose in life. Thanks to Girls Inc., I have the knowledge that is preparing me for the rest of my life. With that said, Girls Inc. is an organization that builds our community by equipping young woman with the passion, drive, and tools in effort to reform society.

Congratulations Lucki!




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Your donations help provide scholarships for students like Lucki.  By impacting young hearts and minds with scholarships, you not only facilitate more access to higher education, you also show our youth we are all in this together – an attitude that yields exponential returns for generations to come.  Thank you for your generosity, and please continue to help students achieve.  Please consider making a donation.

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Marcel Hernandez

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